

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Annapurna Region

Annapurna Region is well-known for trekking. There are some awe-inspiring trekking routes in this region. Mount Annapurna is the 10th highest mountain peak in the world. It is located, east of a great gorge cut through the Himalaya by the most famous river, ‘Kali Gandaki’ and which separates it from the Mount Dhaulagiri.  Annapurna is the translated Sanskrit word, which means “Goddess of the Harvest”. In Hinduism, Annapurna is a ‘Goddess of Fertility and Agriculture’. Annapurna is surrounded by many Himalayan ranges which include the Annapurna range, Dhaulagiri and Machhapuchhre - the famous Fish-tail Mountain that dominates the skyline above Pokhara. In addition to this, the area also possesses the ‘Kali Gandaki’, the world's deepest gorge.

Due to its geographic features and terrain, it provides many micro-climates supporting sub-tropical lowlands and forests in the plains and the valleys, lush rhododendron and temperate evergreen forests in the South of the Annapurna, and alpine steppe and arid environments to the North of the Annapurna region. This area contains over 100 species of orchids and many of Nepal's 700 medicinal plants. The region also serves as excellent habitats for rare and endangered species such as the snow-leopard, the musk deer and the blue sheep. It is also the habitat of five of the six species of pheasants found in Nepal.

Annapurna Region is home to over 40,000 people of different ethnic and tribal backgrounds with various religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Bon Po, Shamanism and Animism represented. Gurung, Magar, Thakali and Manangi are the dominant groups. Generally, these people are farmers who depend on the forests for fuel, fodder and timber. About two-thirds of all trekkers in Nepal visit the Annapurna region. The area is easily accessible, guesthouses in the hills are plentiful, and treks here offer incredibly diverse scenery, with both high mountains and lowland villages. Also, because the entire area is inhabited, trekking in the region offers unique cultural exposure and experience.
Annapurna Conservation Area Project (ACAP) is in this region which was established in 1986 under the guidance of the King Mahendra Trust for Nature Conservation. The project encompasses the entire Annapurna range, an area of 7683 sq km. ACAP’s program rely on the participation of local people and emphasize environmental education and conservation for development. ACAP is supported by the conservation fee of Rs 2000 that it collects from all trekkers in the Annapurna Conservation area. There are ACAP check posts and visitors centers throughout the region.
There are large numbers of hotels through out this region. You will be able to find a room and food wherever you go on the main route of this region. During the busy October and November season most lodges and hotels are crammed beyond their capacity. ACAP has encouraged hotels and lodge owners throughout the Annapurna Region to form local communities to fix prices.
The best and popular trekking destinations of this region include:
  • Annapurna Sanctuary Trekking
  • Annapurna Base Camp Trekking
  • Annapurna Circuit Trekking
  • Muktinath Trekking
  • Jomsom Trekking
  • Ghorapani Poonhill Trekking
  • Ghandruk Trekking
  • Royal Trekking

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